Dr. Lin Lin
Professor & Program Coordinator of Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, MIS, and CIT
Phone: 860-343-5763
Email: llin@mxcc.edu
Office Location: Wheaton 313
See office hours here
Read Biography
Dr. Lin Lin is a professor and program coordinator of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology at Middlesex Community College. She served as an interim division director of the Allied Health, Business, and STEM Division during 2015–2017.
Dr. Lin helped build and strengthen several academic programs at the college, including Engineering Science, Computer Engineering Technology, and Computer Science Studies.
To raise awareness and interest for growing robotics technology through hands-on experimentation and group activities, she established the MxCC Robotics Club and serves as an advisor. Dr. Lin is the site coordinator of the CT College of Technology Consortium and the campus director of NASA CT Space Grant Consortium. She served on the Executive Board and as the membership co-chair of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Northeast Section.
As a co-advisor of the Beta Gamma Xi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) International Honor Society, Dr. Lin helped the chapter maintain Five Star Level Chapter status, win Hallmark Awards, and receive regional and national recognitions. Dr. Lin is a recipient of the Phi Theta Kappa New Horizon Award. She also serves on the Phi Theta Kappa New England Regional Board.
She was a faculty representative to the MxCC Foundation Board of Directors between 2015 and 2018 and was on the Foundation Scholarship Committee. She chaired (or co-chaired) many college committees, including the General Education Assessment Committee, the Curriculum Committee, the Programs and Services Evaluation Committee, the TAP STEM Committee, and the Academic Awards Committee.
Dr. Lin has led PTK members, Robotics Club students, and engineering students to participate in many community service projects. She also serves on the Career Technical Education Advisory Committee of Wilcox Technical High School and Vinal Technical High School.
In 2015–2017, Dr. Lin oversaw several MxCC grants, including the CT Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (CAMI) Grant and the Perkins Grants. She is a recipient of the National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research Grant.
Dr. Lin is a 2015 recipient of the Board of Regents System-Wide Teaching Award as a distinguished teacher with a track record of promoting instructional improvements. She also received the 2015 Middlesex Community College Teaching Award and the 2017 MxCC Merit Award. She was inducted as an honorary member into the Epsilon Pi Tau Honor Society as an individual who demonstrated academic scholarship and leadership in STEM in Connecticut.
Prior to her teaching career, Dr. Lin was a senior engineer at the United Technologies Research Center, where she co-authored six U.S. (or international) patents and received an Outstanding Achievement Award, the Research Center’s highest award for recognizing exceptional performance. Her research work focused on the algorithms development for automatic intrusion detection and tracking for digital video surveillance systems. Dr. Lin has published numerous peer-reviewed journal and conference papers in the area of multi-target tracking. She earned her Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the University of Connecticut.