Tad Lincoln


Tad Lincoln

Professor, Economics and Political Science
Phone: 860-343-5817
Email: tlincoln@mxcc.edu Indicates Email address
Office Location: Snow 508
See office hours here
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ECN*101 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECN*102 Principles of Microeconomics
POL*103 Intro to International Relations

Tad Lincoln holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Connecticut, with a concentration in international economics and business. He has taught college-level courses in economics, management, human resources, marketing, American government, global business and international relations. Through his academic and work experience, he has become an expert in Chinese and Japanese international political economy and U.S. global economic strategy.

He also earned a bachelor’s degree with a double major in mechanical engineering and materials engineering from the University of Connecticut. After working for many years in product design, applications and manufacturing, he became a senior engineer. He was also an engineering manager and then a general manager. While in China, Tad started up and managed a small subsidiary of a U.S. engineering and manufacturing firm.

One of his greatest achievements at MxCC has been the dramatic growth of the legislative internship program, which gives MxCC students direct experience working for a legislator at the Connecticut State Capitol Building in Hartford. For its size, far more MxCC students are accepted into the legislative internship program than any other college or university in Connecticut.

Tad enjoys serving on the Middletown International Film Festival Committee.

During his career, Tad has lived overseas for more than six years. He enjoys travel and has visited more than 40 countries to date.

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