Todd Levesque

Todd Levesque

Todd Levesque

Media Operations Specialist
Phone: 860-343-5794
Email: Indicates Email address
Office Location: Chapman Hall 606

Todd joined the MxCC team on April 29, 2019, as our new full-time Media Operations Specialist working in the Center for New Media.

Todd earned an Associate degree in Video and Radio Production, and a Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications, from the New England Institute of Technology in Rhode Island. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from the University of Connecticut.

Todd brings over 20 years of experience in video production
and media technology. He has held various positions in
broadcast TV, corporate, entertainment, higher education,
and freelance settings. Specific to higher ed, Todd was a Media Producer at the University of Connecticut for 12 years, where he worked with faculty and staff to design and produce instructional media materials, and taught introductory classes to undergraduate students. He also has donated his talents to nonprofit agencies and has won several awards for his media production work.