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CT State Community Colleges Showcase (Virtual)

All 12 CT State Community Colleges will come together for a virtual CT Showcase on Oct. 21. Starting at 9 AM, video on-demand about associate degree and credit certificate programs, 4-year college transfer opportunities, financial aid and scholarships, student support services, community resources, and more will be viewable through 11:30 PM at Live Chat with Admissions Counselors will be offered during posted hours. Learn more and register at:

Prospective students, families and education partners can visit find 40+ short video modules organized into key subject areas:

  • Application & Enrollment Processes
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships including PACT: Pledge to Advance CT
  • Community Support Programs and Resources
  • Academic Advising Services
  • Degree Programs & Careers
  • Course/Classroom Experience

By registering at you will receive a welcome email message from Admissions and direct follow up from the campus of your choice.


CT Community Colleges collectively enroll close to 40,000 credit students each year across a network of 12 colleges including: Asnuntuck in Enfield; Capital in Hartford;

Gateway in New Haven; Housatonic in Bridgeport; Manchester; Middlesex in Middletown; Naugatuck Valley in Waterbury; Northwest in Winsted; Norwalk; Quinebaug Valley in Danielson; Three Rivers in Norwich and Tunxis in Farmington.

An open door admissions policy offers access to every high school graduate or anyone holding a high school equivalency diploma (GED) without requiring Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SATs). Applications are accepted year-round. In Fall 2020, PACT: Pledge to Advance CT launched to allow first-time, full-time students to apply on a first come, first serve bas to attend debt-free by covering the gap between federal and state grants and community college tuition and fees. In Fall 2021, Guided Pathways Advising piloted on three campuses to help all students achieve timely completion of credentials that lead to employment or transfer, and family sustainable wages. Students establish academic and career goals and receive proactive and individualized academic and additional supports. An additional six campuses will begin by the end of 2021, and the remaining three in Spring 2022.

Visit to connect to all state community colleges and universities.

The vision of the CT State Community Colleges is to be recognized for exceptional student success, educational leadership, and transformative collaboration with business and industry, government, educational, and key stakeholders while advancing diverse opportunities for Connecticut’s citizens and communities.



Oct 21 2021


Video on-demand content available to view through 11:30 p.m.
9:00 am
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