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Greenlight Manhood Summit
MxCC students are invited to attend Greenlight Manhood 2022: Total Control, a mental health focused summit for men, presented by Clientpro Inc. LLC in association with Middlesex Health and Connecticut Valley Hospital.
Location: Chapman Hall (Middletown Campus)
The power amongst peers produces persuasive influences that empowers individuals to go further, try harder, and speak louder. “Greenlight Manhood” creates an environment where men, through mental health awareness, experiences and relationships can positively support one another and addressed by way of shared discussions, professional screenings, keynote speakers, and fellowship acquire and improve introspective skills. Effectively build community for men of all backgrounds to feel safe and motivated to explore resources, be a peer specialist, and become emotionally empowered to navigate stressors and other factors that impact mental stability as a man. Greenlight Manhood is a catalyst to empower men to talk and explore health and well-being resources as it relates to mental health for men.
Giving today’s climate of extreme high stress, isolation, and quality of life concerns it is of no surprise that men are increasingly suffering issues unique to them, considering their place in society, that impacts their mental health status. Men, like Veltris Patterson, who are war veterans and a person of the black indigenous people of color population are more at risk and even more isolated when it comes to support and resources for addressing mental health. In Connecticut, data reported pre-COVID-19 pandemic by Quality Management and Improvement (EQMI) Division at the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) shows that males were seen at a higher rate for mental health when in conjunction with substance abuse. Out of the nearly 100k people served statewide, only 16.2 thousand were identified as African American. An implied estimation using the data presented less than half of the African Americans that were served are men. All men will be the target audience with a micro-demographic push towards African American men.