MxCC Enroll-in-a-Day Event

Join us at our Middletown campus or virtually for an Enroll in a Day Event— one-stop, in-person registration events on Saturday, January 15 and Saturday, January 22. Hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Attend Virtually

Click Here to Attend

Meeting number (access code): 2623 430 4516
Meeting password: OpenReg2021

Attend In-Person

You can meet with an advisor, finalize your schedule, and register for your classes. Representatives from student services and the business offices are available to assist you along the way.

Register for this event >

When you arrive on campus, please follow these rules and social distancing protocols: 

Only Founders Hall will be open.

  • All visitors must wear masks and follow signage for the designated building entrance.
  • Know your Banner ID and your student email address. You will need both to conduct in-person business.
  • Please bring a pen/pencil, and if available, your tablet, smartphone, or laptop. (We want to avoid paper forms and show you how to access them digitally.)

In addition to enrolling, students and families will have the opportunity to:

  • Hear about Student Activities
  • Get a guided look at our campus
  • Learn about Library Services

With classes starting on January 21, now is the time to complete your registration.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Please visit for more registration information.


Nov 13 2021


9:00 am - 1:00 pm
QR Code