Mar 13, 2017 – Middlesex Community College is now offering online accelerated associate degree programs in criminal justice and in general studies. Beginning on July 5, 2017, students can earn associate degrees in only 13 months by enrolling in five-week classes year-round, instead of the traditional 16-week semester. The program, also known as MAP, for Middlesex Accelerated Program, is ideal for students in any location in the state and beyond.
“I understand the challenges of balancing work, school and a family. Traditional 16-week, on-ground classes are not ideal. MAP was created for working professionals who need to earn their degree fast with the convenience of online classes. The program is also ideal for parents who may not be able to attend classes on campus due to child care obligations.” said criminal justice professor Rebecca Rist-Brown, who is spearheading MAP along with English professor Terry McNulty.
With shorter semesters and 95 percent of courses offered online, students can engage in a concentrated learning environment and earn their degrees more quickly. They can enroll in two courses at a time, but need to work faster in a shorter time span.
“MAP provides motivated students a quick way to complete what would traditionally be their first two years of college. If students are willing to work hard and go to school year-round, MAP is a great way to get an associate degree in half the time,” Professor McNulty added.
Students are currently being accepted in the general studies and criminal justice associate degree programs, with plans to add business administration in 2018. Taught by professors who are experts in online teaching, MAP also provides a personal mentor to assist with navigating the accelerated program process, as well as access to a MAP librarian and online communities of like-minded students.
All of the degrees offered are transferable to private and state universities. The Criminology Studies Pathway is a CSCU TAP Pathway to Connecticut state universities. MxCC is also working to partner with bachelor degree programs at other schools with accelerated programs, and MAP advisers will help students tailor their courses to ensure a flawless transfer into a bachelor’s program.
For more information about MAP at MxCC, visit or email