Jan 28, 2016 – You are invited to attend a public forum to discuss a Hazard Mitigation Plan recently developed by our Board of Regents (with local campus input). The forum will be held on our campus on Thursday, February 4th from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. in Conference Room 803, Chapman Hall.
The purpose of the Hazard Mitigation Plan is to assist MxCC in recognizing and reducing risks caused by natural hazards, identifying actions to prevent damage to property and loss of life, and prioritizing funding for mitigation efforts at its campus. At the forum on February 4th, a brief presentation will be given to detail the work done to date. Residents of our surrounding communities have been invited and encouraged to attend this open forum.
While natural disasters cannot be prevented, the continued implementation of strategies within the Hazard Mitigation Plan will make MxCC and other CT State Colleges and Universities campuses more sustainable and resilient to possible disasters.