Learning how to register for classes online at Middlesex Community College: the first things you're going to want to do are to open up your web browser and go to mxcc.edu. This will take you straight to the Middlesex Community College front page. If you already know the classes that you would need to take for your degree, I will show you how to find the CRN affiliated with that class. The CRN stands for the "course registration number" and it links the certain type of class to this specific class option that you were choosing to register for. If you do not know the class or classes that you need to take, please contact your assigned faculty advisor. If you do not know who your assigned faculty advisor is, you can access this information on Degree Works on myCommnet. I will show you how to access your faculty advisor now if you are not already aware how to do it. From the Middlesex Community College homepage, you can click right on here. That says "myCommNet." Once you were taken to myCommNet is where the login screen is going to be. If you are not familiar with how to log on to myCommNet there is a separate video detailing all of the information on how to do that. From this page right here you can do a net ID lookup, need help signing in for the first time if you're a new student or a new student accessing the website. First time students will not be allowed to register through myCommNet. You will have to fill out a paper application. You can reset your password and new user information. If you already know your information though, you can log on now. Once you are on, navigate to the section of the page which is going to be in the bottom left that says for Degree Works. You will choose the college that you are attending, which would be Middlesex Community College and pick on there. Since I'm not a student at Middlesex Community College, I will not have an advisor displayed. Now that you have found out your advisor or if you already knew your advisor but you are not sure how to contact them you can go back to the Middlesex Community College homepage and click on "Faculty and Staff" to bring up the directory. From the directory, all of the full-time staff and faculty will be listed here.
All of the full-time and part-time faculty and every staff member at Middlesex will all have the same formula for their email address which is going to be the first letter of their first name followed by the full last name @mxcc.edu. On this website you can find out every instructors phone number, their email address, and their office location. Adjunct instructors will not have a directory listing but they will have the same phone number. Contact your instructor if you need to by reaching out to them on their email address or preferred contact information provided on your syllabus. Contact your advisor to set up and make an appointment to register for classes to find out the ones that you need to take. If you have already met with an advisor and if picked out classes, your advisor might have already given you the CRNs for the classes you want to take. If you already have the CRNs, please skip to the next step. If you don't have the CRNs I'm going to show you how to find those CRNs right now. Once you know the class or classes that you were choosing to take make your way back to the Middlesex Community College homepage and then we will browse the course schedule. Let's say for instance you want to take English 101 Composition. Click on the button that says myCommNet. Search for course offerings, and then from here you'll be able to search for all of the courses. We will choose the any term available. Let's choose "Spring term 2020" and the Middlesex Community College. You, from here you can search if a class is open or closed or both as well as credit, non-credit, or both. Since I wanted to take an English 101 class you will scroll down until you get to English. From here you can browse all of the offerings of English classes that are available for this selected semester. Since we said we wanted to take English 101, here are all of the options that are available. Just feel free to note the day of the week the classes are offered on. MW means Monday/Wednesday. TR means Tuesday/Thursday, where a single letter will indicate only on Tuesday or the day of the week that is chosen. Other things to keep in mind are the capacity is listed for how many people can register for the class. The actual number is how many students are registered for that class already, and the remainder numbers how many seats are open left. Another thing to notate is the date that the classes will run. Some are full term semesters while others are accelerated and late start which just have a different date to be mindful of. From here you will also notice the location, whether it's an on-campus class or an online class. Make sure to notate the CRN of the class that you wish to take once you have found one that works for you. If this composition, which is with traditional Tuesday/Thursday 9:30 to 10:45, works for you, notice there's a one spot left, we will take down this one two three seven CRN. Feel free to write that down as you continue browsing for classes so you can register for them all later. Once you have all of the CRNs for all of the classes you would wish to register for we're gonna go back to my myCommNet's home page. We're going to click on the top right for banner self-service.
Once you click on banner self-service you're going to choose Middlesex Community College. Since I was never a student at Middlesex Community College, I will be choosing Three Rivers just so I can show you the rest of the screens. They will all stay the same. From here you're going to choose the registration schedule. And then you're going to just make sure to check items that may prevent registration. This is where you can check for holds, your academic standing, placement test score recommendations, and, um, your major. If you have no holds on your account please feel free to move forward to class registration. If you have any holds, contact the Office of Enrollment Services. When you're ready to register click here. I just want to say now before you register, please make sure that your financial aid is completed and ready to go. If you're prepared to self-pay, which is pay out-of-pocket, then you are allowed to move forward. As well, I just want you to be mindful that at the time of registration you are responsible for all tuition and fees. Once you're on here, choose the semester that you are choosing to register for and press submit. This is where you'll type in all of the CRNs that you picked for one by one. Only four numbers a full CRN goes in each box. When you are ready to submit those changes after you've typed them all you can press submit changes and this will be registering you for those classes. Once you have submitted this form the submit changes, please contact the Business Office in order to set up a payment so you won't be deleted from your classes. Failure to non pay is a reason for deleted from classes which could allow someone else to take the spot at the class that you would like. If you have any questions please feel free to contact your advisor or us here at the Enrollment Services Office. Thank you so much.