Viewing Events in Calendar
Your professor may use the Calendar tool to post class activities, instructions for assignments, assignment due dates, reminders, etc. - Most classes do not use Calender, in such case, you will follow the course schedule on the course syllabus or in a separate link on Blackboard to complete the assignments ontime.
1. The quickest way to see events on a course calendar is to click on Calendar on the Institution Page.
2. You will see the events on the current day. To have an overview of the current month, click on the Month tab on the upper right of the page..
3. You then see the items posted in the current month. You may click on an Event Title to see the details of the event.
4. From the Event View, to go back to the Calendar View, click on the x sign to close out the event. It brings you back to the Day view of the Calendar page, which is the current day.
5. You may use --> to go to next month or <-- to a previous month.
If your professor uses the Calendar tool for class assignments, you should browse the course Calendar and check Event Details regularly so that you will have a general idea when an assignment is due and what is the requirement of an assignment.