Copy Questions from a Discussion Forum to MS Word

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This tutorial shows you how to copy discussion questions from Blackboard to a MS Word file, so you are able to work on your answer off line in MS Word.

1. Click on Discussions link on Course Menu.

In this course, the discussion questions are shown on the Description box of a discussion forum.*

3. Highlight the questions. Right-click on the highlighted questions and select Copy. You can also copy the text by using CTRL + C keys on your keyboard. -- Then you open MS Word with a blank file, select Paste (You can also paste the text by using CTRL + V keys on your keyboard).

4. To save the file, go to File, select Save As. Locate the folder where you would like to save the file, type a file name, and click on Save. The file with discussion questions is saved on your computer. You may close the MS Word entirely.

5. If you would like to open the file you just saved and work on the answers, minimize the Blackboard window, go to the folder where the file was saved and double-click on the file to open.

Special Note

Depending on your professor, accessing discussion forums may be from a link on the Course Menu, a folder or a Learning Module. Your professor will tell you where to find the discussion forums and discussion questions in your course.

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