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Mail in Messages - Internal Mail
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On Blackboard, we highly recommend students use Internal Mail, the Messages tool to communicate with your professor and fellow students.
1. To access Blackboard Messages tool, click on the Messages link on the Course Menu (The Messages tool may also be labeled as Course Mail, Mail, etc.). If you do not see the Messages link (or other link to access Internal Mail) on the Course Menu, it means that you will use your college email to communicate with your professorl.
2. When you are on the Messages page, click on Create Message to open a new message window.
3. To find the person to whom you would like to send a message. Click on To box. You will see the list of students and your professor in the left box. Select the person to whom you will send the message and click on the right-arrow to bring the person to the Recipients box.
4. Enter the message subject in the Subject box.
5. Type the message in the Body - Content Editor box. Review your message.
6. When you are ready, click on Submit.
7. To verify that your message has been sent, go to the Sent folder. When you see the message you just sent in the Sent folder, it confirms that your message has been sent successfully.