Internal Mail vs. External Mail in Blackboard Learn

Internal Mail

In Blackboard Learn, the internal email feature is called Messages. However, your professor may use the name of Mail or Blackboard Mail on the Course Menu to use Messages tool. For internal email in Blackboard Learn, you can only send and receive mails from your professor and fellow students in the class.

The Internal Mail (Messages) is commonly used for private conversations with your professor or students in your class. Like an internet email (yahoo or gmail), it allows you to send, receive, reply, and forward mail messages . You can also create folders to organize messages in Inbox.

Your professor may use Internal Mail (Messages) for sending your class assignments, summary, or notes. Students may be asked to submit their assignment as an attachment in Internal Mail.

- We highly recommend students and professors to use Blackboard Internal Mail for email communication.

External Mail

This feature is usually disabled for students for sending an email to professor in Blackboard course. However, your professor may use External Email feature to send a email to your College Email address. We recommend students check their college email regularly. The instruction on how to access student college email can be found at this page. (Scroll down to College Email section).

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