This website will be shut down by December 31, 2024, and is no longer being updated. Please visit for the most up-to-date CT State Community College information.

Pisgah Mountain Primitives

Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, United States

Middlesex Community College’s Cultural Awareness Committee & Student Senate presents Pisgah Mountain Primitives An ALL DAY event will take place on November 7, 2019. Campus Lawn This ALL DAY event will feature Tipi Living, Flint & Steel Fire Starting, Open-Hearth Cooking Demonstrations, and with Student Participation—Rope Making. Please stop by and share this moment with us, ask questions or participate.

Hip Hop Dance Lessons

Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, United States

Taught by professional hip hop instructor Kamari Schoolfield.  Hosted by the Dance Club.

Hip Hop Dance Lessons

Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, United States

Taught by professional hip hop instructor Kamari Schoolfield.  Hosted by the Dance Club.

Lightening Thief on Broadway Trip

Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, United States

Come see the Lightening Thief on Broadway. Tickets are $20 for students, $55 for outside guests. Tickets can be purchased in the Student Activities office from Janet Klinck.  Bus leaves MxCC at 7:30 a.m. and leaves NY at 5 p.m.

$20 – $55

Bus Trip to Metropolitan Museum of Art

Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, United States

The Art Club is sponsoring a bus trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Sunday, December 15th.  Bus departs at 8 am and departs the Met at 5 pm.  Tickets are $5/MxCC student, $12/college students and $15 for non-students. Contact Janet Klinck for information/tickets. (860)343-5764 – 

The MxCC Arts & Media Festival-VIRTUAL

Middlesex Community College 100 Training Hill Rd., Middletown, United States

The MxCC Arts & Media Festival will be held virtually on Friday, May 29.  Join us for this celebration of student work in fine arts, graphic design, and video/film production via Facebook Live on our MxCC Facebook page at 7 p.m.

Latino Dance Performance (Virtual)

Virtual , United States

MxCC and the Cultural Awareness Committee remain deeply committed to honoring our community’s diversity. It is in this spirit, the Cultural Awareness Committee invites you to its 4th annual Hispanic Heritage Month celebration. This year, we welcome the return of renown Latino dance performers, Nate Evans and his sister Lisa Spiro. Their performance is scheduled for September 24 at 1 p.m. (WebEx ...