This website will be shut down by December 31, 2024, and is no longer being updated. Please visit for the most up-to-date CT State Community College information.

PI Day Party

It’s that time of year, namely, to indulge in Pi Day festivities!  Please remember that Pi = 3.14……………….. ( ratio of Circumference to Diameter in a circle).You are cordially invited to attend the activities, including trivia, prizes, and pie on Wednesday, March 10 at 12:30, sponsored by the Math Club and Math Department. If you want to join us in ...

Suicide Prevention Workshop

Suicide Prevention Program Presents:Helping Others to Live Discover the misconceptions and myths of suicide, how to find warning signs, and the do’s and dont’s of how to help. Research shows people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when someone asks after them in a caring way. Findings suggest acknowledging and talking about suicide may reduce, rather than increase ...

New York Roundtable Discussion (Virtual)

A safe space to openly discuss a range of topics! All are welcome!This meeting will be held on Teams. Check your student email for the link to join the meeting. Students may access the NY Times for free at Event link:

Women’s History Trivia

Join our Kahoot Trivia and test your knowledge of women’s history.  Amazon gift cards to top winners! Please only log in to one session!12:30 session:  Click here to join the meeting 6 pm session:  Click here to join the meeting

Let’s Explore Meditation

What is meditation, why and how does it heal and how can we go about practicing it?  Led by our Listening Lounge Interns.Teams Link:  Click here to join the meeting

Virtual Game Night

Join classmates from MxCC, Manchester CC, Tunxis, Asnuntuck, and Capital Community College for various rounds of unique fun with a friendly and funny host! Meet other students and win gift cards.Check your student email for the Zoom link to join!

Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton “Being Black in White Spaces”

Asnuntuck Community College’s Wellness Center, in conjunction with the Connecticut Health Foundation, cordially invites everyone to a presentation with Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton.Learn: how to be a supporter of groups and individuals that are different from you ways to help marginalized groups feel included in the greater community tools that can help different communities thrive in an environment where they may ...

The Ultimate Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trivia (Virtual)

Think you’ve got what it takes to win? Join us for:The Ultimate Ruth Bader Ginsburg Trivia! With $25 Amazon gift card prizes. Check your school email for the Teams link. Please only join one session (12:30 or 5 p.m.)

Virtual Social Bingo

Join classmates from MxCC, Manchester CC, Tunxis, Asnuntuck, and Capital Community College for various rounds of unique fun with a friendly and funny host! Meet other students and win gift cards.Check your student email for the Zoom link to join!