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Academic Convivium 2021
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Opening remarks
- MxCC CEO, Dr. Steven Minkler
- NCC CEO, Dr. Cheryl DeVonish
Oral Presentations
- 12:05-12:25 p.m. Isabella Merlini: The Assessment and Application of Verbal and Nonverbal Language in Criminal Investigations (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 12:25-12:35 p.m. Adam Gomez: The Future of African American English in English Education: Code-Switching Pedagogy and Critical Language Pedagogy (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 12:35-12:45 p.m. Gracy Chapman: Effectiveness of Animal-Assisted Therapy for Anxiety and Depression (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 12:45-12:55 p.m. Cristopher Guzman: Alternative Evaluations to the Antibiotic Resistance Pandemic (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 12:55-1:05 p.m. Riley McConnell: The Perpetuation of Rape Culture (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 1:05-1:15 p.m. Erin Peters: The Effects of Global Climate Change on Infectious Disease (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 1:25-1:35 p.m. Jacqueline Silva A A Monteiro: Lipid Transfer Protein Syndrome: A lettuce allergy (Supporting faculty member: Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, NCC)
- 1:35-1:45 p.m. Colleen Gaydowen (any time), Lacey Hall, Julie Orenstein, Erin Peters: Covid-19 and Coping Strategies (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 1:45-1:55 p.m. Sharin Hossain: Parent Relations and Delinquency (Supporting faculty member: Jill Flanigan, MxCC)
- 1:55-2:05 p.m. Alyssa Pardo: Minority Representation in Entertainment Media (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 2:05-2:15 p.m. Eva-Larue Barber: Palliative Psychology: Symptom Management in Mental Health (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 2:15-2:25 p.m. Thomas Laskowski: How to Achieve Self-Actualization and Transcend in 2021 (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 2:35-2:45 p.m. Patricia Kessler: Exploring the Intersection of Toxic Masculinity and Communicating on the Internet (Supporting faculty member: Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, NCC)
- 2:45-2:55 p.m. Lara Lefkowitch: Senior ADHD: An Emerging Field of Study (Supporting faculty member: Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, NCC)
- 2:55-3:05 p.m. Kaelei Lewis: Defining Emotional Intelligence Through Data Collection and Allocation (Supporting faculty member: Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, NCC)
- 3:05-3:15 p.m. Joseph Lloyd R Naguit: Machine Learning in the Accounting Field: Will Technology Replace Accountants? (Supporting faculty member: Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, NCC)
- 3:15-3:25 p.m. Jared Sullivan: Reaganomics: An Unbiased Look at the Origins, Details, and Aftermath (Supporting faculty member: Jonathan McMenamin-Balano, NCC)
- 3:25-3:35 p.m. Anna Jimenez and Juliana Sterling: The Effect Demographic Factors Have on Students’ Educational Goals and Confidence in Achievement at MxCC (Supporting faculty member: Andrea Levy, MxCC)
- 3:45-3:55 p.m. Elcili Duchimaza: How Sex Education Affects the Motivation to Engage in Risky Behavior in Teens (Supporting faculty member: Jill Flanigan, MxCC)
- 3:55-4:05 p.m. Ilda Miraka: The Motivation for the Youth to Use Any Form of Birth Control (Supporting faculty member: Jill Flanigan, MxCC)
- 4:05-4:15 p.m. Alexander Kotrady: The Comparison of Alcohol Consumption vs. Age (Supporting faculty member: Jill Flanigan, MxCC)
- 4:15-4:25 p.m. Gary Lambert: Cinderella’s Diary Analysis (Supporting faculty member: Christy Pyatt, MxCC)
- 4:25-4:35 p.m. Karen Valentin: Association between depression and increase in violent acts and/or suicide(Supporting faculty member: Jill Flanigan, MxCC)