Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton “Being Black in White Spaces”

Asnuntuck Community College’s Wellness Center, in conjunction with the Connecticut Health Foundation, cordially invites everyone to a presentation with Dr. Stacey Pearson-Wharton.


  • how to be a supporter of groups and individuals that are different from you
  • ways to help marginalized groups feel included in the greater community
  • tools that can help different communities thrive in an environment where they may not be part of the majority population

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87524852154?pwd=b2JYN0VyOW52N0ZESHQ2YUhyelhtUT09  Meeting ID: 875 2485 2154 Passcode: ACC


Mar 26 2021


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
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