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Need money for college?
Get help with your FAFSA
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the key to getting free federal financial aid to help pay for your education beyond high school. The FAFSA is also required for most types of financial aid, including scholarships!
Attend one of our FAFSA Workshops at Middlesex Community College. Volunteers will be on-hand to help students and their families learn about and complete the FAFSA form for free.
Attend a FAFSA Workshop
Monday, December 9 4-7 p.m.
Tuesday, December 17 1-5 p.m.
Middlesex Community College
100 Training Hill Road,
Wheaton Hall Room 308
Contact Michael Amouzou at
860-343-5737 or mamouzou@mxcc.edu.
What to Bring:
- Social Security Number
- Driver’s License Number (if any)
- Parent & Student 2017 Federal Income Tax Return
- Alien registration or permanent resident card (if you’re not a U.S. citizen)
- 2017 untaxed income records
Find out more at fafsa.ed.gov
Complete the FAFSA Faster!
Before you attend, get your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID for both the parent and child so the FAFSA can be signed easily.