Message from the Chair

Chris Dibble portraitIn a post-pandemic world of uncertainty, education in our community is more important than ever. Your gift to the Middlesex Community College Foundation funds the ambitions of students and the intrigues of educators, while providing opportunity for those in our community to achieve success through learning.

Thank YOU for being supporters of our students and programs at Middlesex Community College, Middlesex County, and beyond. Your support means more than you know.

This year we look forward to hosting events such as the annual Red Moon Fest, as well as expanding the Foundation’s presence on social media and engaging with the business community to foster workforce development.

We support initiatives such as annual and endowed scholarships for students, the Magic Food Bus (on-campus food pantry), and MxCC Cares (emergency micro-grant program for students).

We remain committed to diversity and inclusion and strive to celebrate the backgrounds and uniqueness of students, charitable donors, and community partners alike.

With your continued support, we can keep our community’s college strong and in turn, our community and neighbors strong.

I invite you to stay connected or reach out directly about helping with the Foundation’s mission:

To support our college and its students by encouraging and securing charitable contributions to the college through the Foundation; and by managing and directing funds for scholarships, students emergency needs, program and faculty development, and instructional technology and equipment, to create a learning environment that fosters student success.

Thank you for helping us alleviate financial obstacles that may inhibit student access to education. Thank you for helping to fund scholarships that not only address the growing need for financial assistance, but fulfill students’ dreams of achievement and success.

We appreciate the opportunity to work with you and the generosity of those who make student success possible.

Best Regards,
Christopher Dibble, CRPS®
Chair, MxCC Foundation

How to Make a Donation